If I am camping with friends, what can be comfortable in the woods doesn’t seem the same back at home. Once the basic shelter needs are met, creature comforts and decorating style seems to take over and often it simply depends upon individual taste matched with discretionary income.
The interior of a structure is completely familiar with everyone. But just from experience, we can become used to something and completely overlook it as an item not working properly. A bedroom door that doesn’t latch and you may never use it because the kid moved out ten years ago. Or that shuttered bedroom window behind the headboard has not been opened for a decade and you do not care. This is natural and so common.
If you are looking at a property or a potential buyer is looking at your property, some people’s internal antennae are at an all-time high for the slightest squeak or pencil mark on the walls. Now the industry joke is that those types of buyers actually believe the TV show saying they can purchase a house with no money down in Cuba or Venezuela and actually believe they can do that in coastal communities in California, Florida and Rhode Island where $2,000,000 won’t buy the empty lot. But snake-oil salesmen have always existed.
Getting to the real life situations for most people, the Interior headings for the structure on this site will be divided into quite a few areas. Some topics with more details and items to be aware of than other topics. As boring as they sound, here’s the list:
Doors, Exterior Doors, Floors, Windows, Walls, Ceilings, Ceiling Fans, Closets and Cabinets and more. And for the categories not found in every home, we could think of no better title than, “Miscellaneous Interior Features”. Yep, the Wet Bar, Elevator, Dumb Waiter, etc.

Ceiling Fans
A comfortable addition to a warm room. When someone invented the ceiling fan that operated on electricity instead of slaves...

Looking up at the ceiling sometimes startles a person when they see cracks. Is the house going to fall in...

Closets and Cabinets
Closets are not very confusing. Today there are multitudes of options that can be squeezed into closets for storage or...

There are not too many confusing areas about doorbells. About the only confusing thing people ask is why does the...

Our modern houses have entry doors that are plain and some that are attractive. Few properties have to worry about...

Exterior Doors
You already know what a door is. These have changed over the years from stopping Vikings from entering your happy...

Flooring on concrete slab and flooring on raised foundations and second stories respond differently to the installation. For one thing,...
Interior Stairs
I did slide down a bannister as a youth for fun. We could do that on Christmas morning also because...
Smoke and C/O Detectors
When you think about smoke and fires, they can be disastrous to the structure and emotionally heart breaking from the...

Once you have the house all nicely painted inside, isn’t it irritating for cracks to show up? Every house gets...

Fresh air is what the Doctor ordered. In 1860 he may also have said, “Go west, young man.” In England,...